Saturday 27 October 2012

Beached Az

Hey, so I was super-duper jealous of you guys and your  nice weather and your sunny days and whatnot so I decided to go to the nicest beach in Jersey to make myself feel better. So I grabbed my thongs and my sunnies and headed on down to Plemont Bay with my friends Pria and Terry for a bit of sun and surf. Unfortunately for me, in my haste I had forgotten that I do in fact live in the UK now, and that it is actually well on the way to winter - and it turned out to be one of the coldest days I (and especially my feet) have ever had to endure.
The weather lately has been mostly fog and cold and a bit miserable but yesterday and today have been clear and bright and flipping freezing! It was 12 degrees max yesterday and there was a pretty strong wind and it ended up not being an overly successful trip to the beach itself as we spent most of the time inside the cafe eating delicious food and pancakes and looking at the tide come in until there was indeed no beach at all.
So maybe it wont make you jealous or make you wish you were here, freezing your arses off with me and getting your hair stuck to your face with the sea-spray and your having your feet turn blue but it was a lot of fun and I had a great day besides :)

missing you all,
not long to go now!!