Wednesday 25 July 2012

Now wait just a dog-gone minute !

hi all :) so for all those of you who hang on every word I say and who sit madly shaking backward and forward hitting F5 to refresh the blog page in the desperate hope that a new post will have wound its way out of my mind and into the ether, you can rest at ease for I am back! And I live to blog again! unfortunately this shan't be a particularly long post as I'm using my mum's iPad and will soon be on my way to a lovely seaside restaurant for dinner. However, popular demand insists that I give you something to read to while away the night hours and so here I am, sitting in a Guernsey courtyard drinking gin and eating camembert and black cherry preserve and typing away. The basic reason for my absence, for anyone who doesn't know, is that my mum has come over to visit me and we've been running around the French countryside for the past week sans Internet :) We went to a sailing boat festival in Douarnenez, explored the walled city and the seaside of St. malo, watched Cavendish have (another) brilliant win on the Champs Élysées in Paris and are now in Guernsey, going to Sark tomorrow and back to Jersey on Friday. So with all that going on and having only an iPad not my laptop I have been unable or too busy or too tired to blog. So I apologise. I do have an Internet connection here and a little bit of time so I can write this, however this being an iPad I have no real way to upload any of the photos that I have taken. I can assure you, however, that the very second that I am able to access my laptop back in jersey, after having moved house on Friday of course, I shall endeavor to give you a full blow by blow, real-time, up to the minute account of our holiday. Missing you all, Xx Kim (and leonie) Ps. Summer has FNALLY arrived and we even went and bathed in the sea today ! Although I could only manage to get halfway in before I lost all feeling in my legs and mum dived in straight away, such is her hubris, and I could practically hear her extremities screaming !

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