Friday 28 September 2012

New Digs - can ya dig it?

So I have now officially moved into what is to be (hopefully) my last abode whilst I'm in Jersey. It's called The Stables and it's basically a house on a riding stables property where students/keepers from Durrell live. It's a 10 minute walk to work each morning, I can see pretty horsies from my bedroom window, I get a bunk bed, the landlady is nice and best of all I get to move in with my good friend Lorna :) yays all round :)  


Other exciting news this week is that a baby Gorilla was born yesterday morning to Kahili and Badongo and is our first gorilla birth at Durrell for many years - I went and saw them yesterday and the baby is soooo cute !!!

Also, mum and dad I think you'd be super proud of me cause I also spent some time the other day in the lab learning form Lorna - mostly doing bioveterinary science - so we did gram stains, faecal flotations, some parasitology and bacteriology of samples and yesterday I helped separate out plasma from blood samples. The lab smells like my childhood- it's awesome :) :)

Lorna looking at the sample

Bacilli found on a Chough gram stain

Lorna let me keep it :) :) 

Bye for now,


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