Sunday 12 August 2012

aaaandd...we're back

Alright so I know I suck and it's been ages since I blogged and you're all ready to fly over here with pitchforks and mob chants but whatever, I'm back now and it should be all systems go blog-wise for the rest of the time here. So where were we?

Oh yeah, my completely amazing mum came and visited me over in Jerseyland and we went on a mini-break to France ( I love that I can say that...) so after one short night on Jersey for mum we caught the ferry and a short hour and twenty minutes later were in a completely different country :) Which is where the fun begins...

After a completely planned and not at all stressful car tour of inner St. Malo ( the hippodrome is lovely btw) we drove the nearly 300km to Douarnenez, further down the west coast, for the biannual sailing boat festival, Temps Fete. 

The festival is highly popular and famous throughout the region and is where, every two years, every man and his boat ( literally) sails from Brest to Douarnenez on the thursday, and then makes port in Douarnenez. Throughout the Friday, Saturday and Sunday there are races, exhibitions, games, music, food stalls and local artists set up along the pier and even famous sailing ships which you can either go while they're docked and have a look around or you can go out and sail on at certain times throughout the day, including, the ship from Horatio Hornblower, the Earl of Pembrooke. Since mum and I arrived fairly late on the thursday we went down and had a little look from the top of the hill but didn't go into the festival, then spent the entire day saturday at the festival and exploring the maritime museum.

Outside our Bed and Breakfast

The Passerelle - a draw-foot-bridge

Mum outside the famous Penn Sardin shop - Douarnenez used to be a huge town for Sardine export

Looking towards the Harbour

The view form the hill with all of the boats coming into the harbour.

One of the food stalls set up did baked potatoes - french style.

Accrovoile - where little kids get to climb up the rigging and ring a little bell 

The brass is sooooo shiny!

Adorable little steam boat - the most hightech boat we saw I think :) 

mum enjoying a crepe for lunch :)

At the maritime museum, mum had to get a picture with "Pieter"

Didn't notice this was even a sardine can at first but when I did I decided I had to get a picture as a sardine !


On the drive back to St. Malo we stopped of at a little town called Morlaix for palmiers...

Stay tuned for the next part...

1 comment:

  1. I'm really hungry now looking at these photos! that is the best crepe I have ever seen haha.

    Lovely lovely photos Kimbo! x
