Monday 26 November 2012

Party like it's your birthday...

Hey hey :)

So I am now officially writing to you as a 20-year-old ! woop woop ! No longer a silly, imature teenager but a fully-grown adult lady living on her own in another country with a job offer and everything - huzzah!!!

Don't get too excited though cause I really haven't changed a jot - i still love bubbles, i still laugh everytime I see a pheasant running ( and yes, I'm chuckling out loud right now thinking about it) and I still get overly excited whenever I see kinder surprises.

So in order to celebrate the big 2-0 we went out twice! On the thursday evening we went out for pizza and then to The Royal in time for the pub quiz ( a thursday tradition we've had for some months now). We never win but we've steadily improved since we started and I have no doubt that by the time the others have left they'll have won at least once! It was really, really fun and a great way to celebrate with friends :)

This not actually a picture from my birthday - its just another night we went out for dinner - but once again I don't have any photographic evidence and this is basically the same so whatever. It's of Jess, Terry and I :)

Picture from the same night:  Kate, Lorna, Ruth and Pria - all looking stunning :)

On the saturday night I woke up to my flatmate having got up, on her weekend, to make me pancakes which was an awesome start to the day ! I had work but then afterwards we got all dolled up and headed into town with friends and people from work for a birthday/leaving do :)

So all up it was a pretty amazing way to shake of those pesky teen years even though I missed all of you back home and wish I could have shared the celebrations with you as well :)


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