Sunday 24 June 2012

And I would walk 500 miles....

Or at least that's how I feel.

Last night I COMPLETED the ITEX Around the Island walk !!! you may now applaud.

All up it was 48.1 miles or 77.3 kms of cliff paths around the coast of Jersey and we did it in approximately 18 hours and 53 minutes - including rest stops - which means approximately 16 hours 45  minutes of walking - since we had 12 rest points where we took approximately 10 minutes of rest plus an extra bit for when we stopped longer for breakfast and lunch. I did it with two friends from work, Hannah - who had completed the walk twice before - and Mat, who is from England and hadn't done in before either. It was actually really good fun in the end and I'm super glad we did it but I am just a bit sore and last night I was reduced to walking like a cross between C3PO and an arthritic old man.

We started the walk at 3am on Saturday morning at the harbour of St. Helier and walked all the way along the coast until 10 o'clock that night so as you can imagine I have a LOT of pictures so enjoy :) I won't label where all of them are simply because I'm not familiar enough with island to tell by looking and I wasn't really paying attention - I just took them, whilst walking, whenever I saw something pretty. But anyway, it was a lovely sunny day and it was a really beautiful way to see the island and to get involved - even if I did actually manage to get a bit sunburnt...