Wednesday 30 May 2012

First Impressions...

Hi All,

So I have now arrived in beautiful Jersey ! I spent the day wandering around the main town of St. Helier and so this will be a very picture heavy post. My first thoughts of Jersey when I got here - bearing in mind that I was extremely jet-lagged at the time - were as follows:

1. The pilot sounded like Hugh Grant - I think he must've gone to Eton or something - it was awesome. He actually said " appreciate you...uh...flying with us this evening" best.flight.ever.

2. Bunnies ! this may seem odd but there were bunnies on the grass between the run-way and I saw them as we taxied so they were literally the first things I saw once I was on the island. They were super cute and I don't have to feel guilty thinking that anymore ! woohoo! There were also bunnies in the back garden of Durrell and I could see them through my window :)

The Bunnies in the garden - taken from my bedroom window

3.  Everything is insanely green. Almost every house outside of town has a plot of land about the size of 2 or 3 blocks attached to it which they use as fields for crops or for for cows and all of these are immaculate tended and beautiful - and I mean both the crops and the cows :) All of the roads are lanes and have trees bordering them so it looks like the lane running through the old forest in Lord of the Rings. The roads are also very narrow so most people have small cars ( I've seen about 5 minis just today) and the buses have to stop if tractors, trucks or other buses go past to make way.

This is the walkway leading to an inner-city carpark just to put into perspective.

4. There's a library here with just Zoological journals, a fancy arm chair and globe - and it has a ladder ! Anyone who knows me well will know that I LOVE libraries with ladders. Honestly, dream come true ! It's only a little one but whatever - it's awesome ! I realise I don't look that excited in this photo but I was trying to figure out self timer and I was balancing my camera on my jumper so I had a lot going on - but on the inside I'm grinning madly :D

The rest of the day I spent wandering around St. Helier - the main town. It's about the same size as Perth only the tallest buildings were about 4-5 stories high. I got super lost - probably the most lost I've ever been in my life. For the most part this was due to the fact that everything looked the same to me and the streets are really tiny and go in odd directions - a lot of them are on angles and form little triangles like in paris - and also the fact that every time I thought I was going south I was actually going north - darn you northern hemisphere! Anyway, I'll put all the photos up in the next post as there's too many for here. It's a really beautiful town though and there are many squares and parks and pretty much every second store is a pub or a cafe. Also, thanks to the jubilee there's bunting everywhere ! ! ! and I love me some bunting :) Tomorrow I'm  going into the Durrell zoo itself so prepare for even more photos !



  1. LIBRARY LADDERS!! My love for these knows no bounds.

    Also, Hugh Grant pilot? Jealous.

  2. library ladddeeeerrrrrr!!!! oh and I'm glad you made it and stuff heh heh
