Tuesday 22 May 2012

It's a dangerous business, walking out of your door...

Hi All,

This is the main place where I will be updating all of the new and exciting adventures that await me in Jersey. I will try as hard as I can to regularly update with posts, pictures, musings and goings on in the hope that all of those who plan to live vicariously through me will be thoroughly entertained. If I don't manage to stay in regular contact with all of you via skype, facebook and letter writing then please feel free to check up on me via this blog and to contact me through the comments.

I will miss you all without exception and I know that despite what an unfathomably wonderful journey this will be there will be times when I will long for home and for you all. And no doubt also for the metric system, sunshine and food that isn't noodles.

Pip pip,


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